After cancelling a booking, if the corresponding credit hasn't been refunded on the multipack, it means that the cancellation didn't take place within the deadline (which can be configured from Settings -> Main Settings -> Social Booking) or that the class took place before the cancellation (example: the class takes place on the 2nd of January and the booking for that class is cancelled on the 3rd).
SPORTRICK doesn't allow the refund of the deducted credit if the booking wasn't cancelled in time.
If however there is the necessity to refund the credit, just follow the steps below:
- option one: manual top up of the multipack's total credits:
- open the user profile of the customer and click on the name of the mulitpack in the Purchased section
- add the credit to be refunded in the field highlitghted in the picture below. Example: if the customer used 1 credit and therefore can still use 9 credits, it won't be possible to modify these two fields, the only editable field corresponds to the credit sold. So the total of 10 credits will have to be changed into 11 credits, to allow the customer an extra credit.
Don't forget to save the changes!
- open the user profile of the customer and click on the name of the mulitpack in the Purchased section
- option 2: if the operator is not allowed to manually change the amount of credits available in a customer's multipack, it is possible to create a multipack including the same activity or service as the one purchased by the customer. This multipack will only have one credit available to allow the customer to book just one class/service. The multipack will then have to be sold to the customer for free (price of the multipack = 0).