List of Topics
- how to create a report
- available filters for each data source
1. How to Create a Report
To edit or create reports just click on Settings -> Reports -> Add and select the data source for the report you intend to add or click on Edit next to the name of the report to change it.
Please note that before editing/creating a report, it is advisable to check the available filters described in chapter 2.
- COLUMNS (MANDATORY): you can drag the columns and drop them into the "selected columns" box according to the data you require for your report
- GROUPING (OPTIONAL): you can group the results of various columns and set the ascending/descending order
- DEFAULT CLOSED GROUPS: if you close a group its details will not be shown unless you click to open the table. To see the results you will just have to click on the symbol in the corner:
- DEFAULT CLOSED GROUPS: if you close a group its details will not be shown unless you click to open the table. To see the results you will just have to click on the symbol in the corner:
- TOTAL (OPTIONAL): according to the grouping you can select the columns to sum. It is also possible to calculate the average, maximum and minimum value
- PARAMETERS (MANDATORY): you can add pre-filters that must be filled in before opening the report e.g. the waiting list report can be pre-filtered by course, so that only that specific waiting list will be shown. Please note that at least one parameter is compulsory, otherwise the report will generate an error message
- USER RIGHTS (OPTIONAL): you can specify which users the report will be available to (reports are only visible to Administrators but you can make them available to Users by adding their username in this section. Please note that Users must have been registered in Settings - User Management)
- END (MANDATORY): save changes.
2. Available Filters for Each Data Source
Please note that the filters available for each data source cannot be mixed with filters available in other data sources. It is however possible to ask for a custom report with the desired filters. The same applies to the addition of filters that are not visible in the below list.
To purchase a custom report, please open this link:
it will be also necessary to write to and specify the exact columns/filters/data that are required in the report.
- Access Records (see below the available columns for this report)

number of access records
- Attendees (see below the available columns for this report)
APP = registered by an operator via SPORTRICK vs E-COMM = registered by the customer via E-Commerce
date the course was registered in SPORTRICK (from Planning -> Courses)
enrolment, booking via multipack, free booking...
code that identifies the customer. It can be found in the address bar when the user profile is open
- Card Models: cards assigned to customers for affiliation to sports clubs (see below the available columns for this report)
full name and surname of the customer
- the notes are taken from the field found in the user's profile from Info -> Card Models -> Detail
number of the card
type of card (card model)
code that identifies the customer. It can be found in the address bar when the user profile is open
- Courses: this report shows the revenue for each individual course, how many people have enrolled and how many places are still available (see below the available columns for this report)
(activity, day of the week and starting time)
day of the week the customer is attending the course

(sub-season, activity, abbreviation of the day of week and starting time of the course)
- CRM (see below the available columns for this report)
the Consultant is the person in charge of the CRM task
when the task is due to be performed
date the task was edited
code that identifies the customer. It can be found in the address bar when the user profile is open
- Enrolments: this report can provide info about the courses customers are enrolled onto, the related sale and payment (see below the available columns for this report)
(activity, day of the week when the course takes place and starting time)
user who sold the enrolment unless a seller has been specified. The operator corresponds to the username logged into the system at the moment of sale.
code that identifies the customer. It can be found in the address bar when the user profile is open
- Logs: useful to verify if anything was deleted by whom and when and to check the activity of operators on the users' profile (see below the available columns for this report)
- name of the customer
- ID automatically assigned by the system to each user profile
- it is recommended to always include the note filter to have info about the operator's activity on the user's profile
- user who performed the editing/deleting
- CRM or LOG
- in case of multiple branches
code that identifies the customer. It can be found in the address bar when the user profile is open
- Multipacks (see below the available columns for this report)
Code refers to the name of the multipack
in case of passes, it indicates how many are available
it indicates if the multipack was returned for a refund
Operator indicates the user who performed the sale unless a seller has been specified. The operator corresponds to the username logged into the system at the moment of sale.
multipack's name (there is no need to use this filter if the "code" filter has already been selected)
number of multipacks sold
date when the multipack was added to the customer's profile
if specified, this column will show the seller responsible for the sale of the multipack
code that identifies the customer. It can be found in the address bar when the user profile is open
- Non Attendees (Target Activity). With this report it is possible to find out which customers were enrolled on a course or booked a class/service but did not attend. The report provide a range of non attendance and the date of the last access recorded. To decide which activities are to be included in the analysis, you will have to click on Settings -> Activities -> Edit -> More and select Target Analysis. All those activites that haven't been selected as target won't be included in the report.
- multipack, enrolment...
(7 - 29 days, 30 - 59 days, over 90 days);
Consultant indicates the member of staff assigned to the customer
code that identifies the customer. It can be found in the address bar when the user profile is open
- Payment Due Dates (see below the available columns for this report)
- People (see below the available columns for this report)
- used for access control
- potential, active, ex customer
pending payments
pending CRM tasks related to the customer
whether the customer agrees to receive marketing notifications
code that identifies the customer. It can be found in the address bar when the user profile is open
- ProShop Stock (see below the available columns for this report)
name of the item
- description of the item
- category linked with the item
- brand of the item
- barcode assigned to the item
- notes about the item
- items still in stock (available for sale)

price asked by the supplier
- Referrals (see below the available columns for this report)
- this code can be viewed in the address bar when opening the user profile. It is useful in case of users with the same name and surname
- operator who registered the referral (user who is logged)
- Services (see below the available columns for this report)
date the service will take place
The Holder is the person who booked the service, the Participants are additional people joining that same service
cost of the booking
code that identifies the customer. It can be found in the address bar when the user profile is open
- Social Booking: useful to keep track of the social activity of customers on the E-Commerce (see below the available columns for this report)
- Subscriptions: please note that this report was originally created for an obsolete version of SPORTRICK. At present the purpose of this report is to check the sales of membership fees. In order to get a report about subscriptions, please use MULTIPACK as data source.
See below the suggested columns to be used for this report:
- Customer
- Date of Birth
- Birth Place
- Mobile Number
- Payment Type
- Subscription Name (name of the Membership Fee)
- First Day of Validity
- Last Day of Validity
- Purchase Date
- Amount
- Operator: user who performed the sale unless a seller has been specified. The operator corresponds to the username logged into the system at the moment of sale
- Transactions
code that identifies the customer. It can be found in the address bar when the user profile is open
- Waiting List (see below the available columns for this report)
it indicates if the customer is currently on the waiting list, or they have cancelled their registration on the waiting list or they have been confirmed in the list of attendees.
- Waiting List for Courses (see below the available columns for this report)
it indicates if the customer is currently on the waiting list, or they have cancelled their registration on the waiting list or they have been confirmed in the list of attendees.