Through the E-Commerce portal, clients can independently purchase memberships and book classes and services. 

The E-Commerce includes the following features:

  • e-profile: clients can find the information related to their activity (personal data, documents, bookings, privacy settings...)
  • booking: booking of classes and services
  • renewals and purchases: clients can renew their membership, enrol onto courses and buy passes
  • social network: clients can interact with each other through invitations to classes, services, groups and events and they can rate activities they took part in. 

Clients can access the portal only with credentials provided by SPORTRICK via email.

This is the url to access the E-Commerce:

environmentname has to be replaced with the name of your own SPORTRICK environment (that can be found in the web address used to access SPORTRICK managing system e.g. app/
This url can be also published on the company's website to redirect clients to their E-Commerce account.

SPORTRICK's E-Commerce is mobile-friendly as it adapts to mobile screens.