Please find below the necessary steps to sell a membership fee/membership card to a user:

  1. open the user's profile and click on Sale
  2. select "Membership Fee or Membership Card" from the Activity menu and click on Find
  3. The system will display the list of all the membership fees available. Click on Select to proceed
  4. OPTIONAL: to change the start of the validity (otherwise set on the current day) or change the price (manually or by applying pre-planned promotions), click on  
  5. click on Confirm Sale to complete the sale. You can also specify a seller by clicking on the arrow next to "Confirm Sale" (the seller must have been previously planned in Settings -> User Management): 
    1. click on "Confirm sale and specify seller"
    2. select a seller from the list 
    3. click on OK to proceed with the payment.

It is always possible to assign/change the seller after the payment from the main page of the user's profile (click anywhere on the row corresponding to the membership fee, click on Accounting, Edit and then select the seller from the drop-down menu). 

Please note that in case the membership fee was associated with a card during the planning, the system will automatically add that type of card to the user's profile after the sale of the membership fee. You can find the card in the profile by clicking on Info -> Card Models.

It is also possible to notify the seller about the requirement of a valid membership fee/card during the sale of a multipack/course. For more info click here.