
It is possible to activate a notification during the sales process (in addition to the existing access control notification) regarding the absence of a medical certificate.


VAR Portal

This setting needs to be activated on the VAR portal. Once logged in, click on Managed Environments -> Configurations -> Settings -> type the value 10100 in the search field and click on the Modify button next to the option:

"While selling, check if the object needs a medical certificate and the customer doesn't have it. If so, notify." Deselect "Use Default Value" and select YES. Then press OK.



  • This option can be activated while planning a course. If you have already planned a course: Planning -> Course -> Course Summary -> apply the necessary filters -> click on Select All ->click on Edit -> click on Access -> tick the required box/es -> click on OK. 

Open the Access section and check the option REQUIRES MEDICAL CERTIFICATE (you can also apply the REQUIRES COMPETITIVE CERTIFICATE option if necessary).


Planning -> Multipacks -> Access Types -> Detail -> Access -> tick the required box/es -> click on OK 


Below is the operational procedure if a client does not have a valid medical certificate during the sale:

1. In the client's profile, click on Sale and select the course or multipack to be sold.

2. The system will notify the operator if the quota and/or medical certificate are missing:

   - The medical certificate notification acts as a reminder. Simply click OK, and once the sale is completed, add/update the medical certificate:

     - From Edit (below the client's photo) -> Notes -> Medical Certificate Expiry Date, or

     - In the Info section -> Medical Certificate of the profile (if a medical certificate model has been created).


The system will alert the seller in case a multipack/course requires a valid membership fee and the client either doesn't have one or it has expired. Click on OK to proceed with the sale of the selected membership fee, otherwise click on Cancel to ignore it and proceed with just the sale of the multipack/course.


In case the user doesn't have a valid medical certificate and the multipack/course on sale requires it, the system will remind the seller. 

After the sale, it will be possible to add a medical certificate to the user's profile from Info -> Medical Certificate (in case there is a medical-certificate template) or through the Edit button (under the profile picture) -> Notes -> Expiry date of the medical certificate