List of topics

  1. introduction
  2. creation

1. Introduction

To create a quote in SPORTRICK you will need to create one (or more) quote templates beforehand.

This will help differentiate between different types of quotes, for example a personal training quote or a physiotherapy quote

2. Creation


Click on Settings -> Quote Templates -> Add Quote and specify:

  • name
  • numerator: numerator associated with the quote template (optional). All the quotes linked with this numerator will be numbered automatically according to this numerator.

Don't forget to save changes!

Important: the button Delete will delete the quote template but it can only be used if the quote hasn't been added to a user profile. Conversely, the quote template can be stored. This means that it will no longer be available to use but it will be kept in the system for record purposes. The system will mark the quote template with a padlock icon. The template can be made available again at any time by unticking the stored option.