Important: extreme care is required when changing settings in the VAR portal as the editing of some settings can drastically change the way the system operates.

Any problem arising from the editing of VAR settings is excluded from Sportrick support.

To access the Settings select your environment first and then click on Configurations -> Settings:

  • Cod. 10001 - Minutes early access predefined

  • Cod. 10002 - Block access if medical certificate is expired

  • Cod. 10003 - Block access if the payment is past due

  • Cod. 10008 - Default sender for SMS text messages

  • Cod. 10010 - Block access if the membership card has expired
  • Cod. 10011 - Seconds that need to pass between a pass card and the next one (same turnstile)

  • Cod. 10012 - Default language
  • Cod. 10013 - ID of the Time zone
  • Cod. 10014 - ID of the Culture: country ID (useful for the choice of currency for example);
  • Cod. 10015 - ID of the default document model: ID of the default document template for general sales from the Front Office
  • Cod. 10016 - Default sender of EMail text messages

  • Cod. 10017 - Number of days ahead in which you can book a lesson
  • Cod. 10018 - Number of days before the lesson within which you can cancel, please note that the time value "days" can be changed into hours, minutes, seconds, etc.: 
  • Cod. 10019 - Minutes of validity of the shopping cart: availability (in minutes) of items in the shopping basket before it gets automatically emptied in case the customer doesn't proceed with the payment
  • Cod. 10020 - ID of the default document model for e-commerce: ID of the default document template for E-Commerce sales;
  • Cod. 10021 - Language of the e-commerce environment:
  • Cod. 10024 - White List: Encoding company for characterization barcode: code of the company for the customisation of barcodes

  • Cod. 10025 - White List: Use only numeric barcode

  • Cod. 10026 - White List: Enable use

  • Cod. 10027 - Time value of validity of the barcode: validity of the barcode (please note that during this timeframe the barcode can be used more than once)

  • Cod. 10028 - Type RFID reader
  • Cod. 10029 - ID of the default document model for PhotoShop:  ID of the default document model for ProShop sales
  • Cod. 10030 - Host address web socket:
  • Cod. 10031 - Timeout waiting for printing(ms):
  • Cod. 10032 - Userkey MyZone: 
  • Cod. 10033 - Enable MyZone: 
  • Cod. 10034 - ID of the tag to associate to MyZone user synchronized: ID of the tag that will be assigned to the synchronised MyZone user;
  • Cod. 10035 - Minutes by default logon delay (relative to the start / end activity - see dedicated setting)

  • Cod. 10036 - Reference time access after default:
  • Cod. 10037 - Allow Taxes Professional Management: consenti gestione tasse avanzata;

  • Cod. 10038 - Access Contro: Count Days to Due Date: default value for the system to start counting the remaining days to the expiry date during the access control check
  • Cod. 10040 - Auto renew: time before due date (time type): time value (days, weeks, months...) of the notice period for the cancellation of the automatic renewal of a multipack
  • Cod. 10041 - Auto renew: time before due date (time amount): time value (number) of the notice period for the cancellation of the automatic renewal of a multipack
  • Cod. 10042 - Web Api: Time laps between twice read same tag same machine: time lapse (in seconds) between the first and second reading of the same card from the same terminal 
  • Cod. 10043 - Url logo e-commerce: url of the E-Commerce logo
  • Cod. 10044 - Custom CSS
  • Cod. 10045 - Base style CSS
  • Cod. 10046 - E-commerce favicon 16x16
  • Cod. 10047 - E-commerce favicon 57x57
  • Cod. 10048 - E-commerce favicon 72x72
  • Cod. 10049 - E-commerce favicon 114x114
  • Cod. 10050 - Assignee as default seller: the Consultant assigned to the customer will be the default seller for each sale
  • Cod. 10051 - Allow payment with electronic wallet
  • Cod. 10052 - Enable instant access notification: enable instant pop-up window with every client access (info displayed: name and surname, type of subscription and useful notifications)
  • Cod. 10053 - Show the document's tab in ecommerce: show document section in the E-Commerce profile
  • Cod. 10054 - List of ID of areas to filter the commitments in the timeline
  • Cod. 10055 - Show the name of the assignee in the sidebar: 
  • Cod. 1056 - Makes editable the tax on advances during the payment

  • Cod. 10057 - ID of payment type in E-commerce
  • Cod. 10058 - Show sales of other branches
  • Cod. 10059 - Check expired payments on all branches during access
  • Cod. 10060 - Show a button to quickly create the customer's E-commerce account:

  • Cod. 10061 - Show only branches associated with the customer during branches selection in E-commerce
  • Cod. 10062 - Allow bookings in E-commerce without valid purchase
  • Cod. 10063 - Block access for free booking
  • Cod. 10064 - Enable automatic creation of Ecommerce user:

  • Cod. 10065 - Time slot in which you can book today's lessons ( Start Time ): starting time of class-booking availability for the current day
  • Cod. 10066 - Time slot in which you can book today's lessons ( End Time ): end time of class-booking availability for the current day
  • Cod. 10067 - Time slot in which you can book coming lessons ( Start Time ): starting time of class-booking availability for future classes
  • Cod. 10068 - Time slot in which you can book coming lessons ( End Time ): end time of class-booking availability for future classes
  • Cod. 10069 - Time that must elapse between lessons booked
  • Cod. 10070 - List of ID of base model documents to filter documents in ecommerce: list of IDs of default document templates to filter documents in the E-Commerce
  • Cod. 10071 - Enable CRM Goals
  • Cod. 10075 -  Access control: enable exit check
  • Cod. 10076 - Access control: enable lesson booking check: by setting the default value = FALSE, the access control will deduct the credit available in the client's multipack rather than the credit available for the booking of a class, that is, the access type linked with the multipack will be given credit-deduction priority over the booking of a class. An example will clarify: the client's multipack includes access to the gym from 9 AM to 9 PM and also the booking of Zumba classes. If the client has booked a Zumba class starting at 6:15 PM and the client's access is recorded at 6:10 PM, the credit deducted for the access will be taken from the passes available in the multipack (multipack access type) whilst the credit available for class booking will remain unaltered.
  • Cod. 10077 - Automatic deduct on exit: automatic deduction of credits on exit
  • Cod. 10078 - Currency identifing number according to ISO 4217 standard
  • Cod. 10079 - Currency identifing code according to ISO 4217 standard
  • Cod. 10080 -  Enable graphometric signature
  • Cod. 10081 - Local folder path for graphometric signature json file
  • Cod. 10082 - Creation TagID for graphometric signature document
  • Cod. 10083 - Update TagID for graphometric signature document
  • Cod. 10085 - Sell Summary Column List (insert < or > right before the name for asc or desc auto sorting): customised sale-summary columns (name, start, end, amount)
  • Cod. 10086 - Customer List Custom: customised user-list columns (number-surname-name-date of birth);
  • Cod. 10087 - View Customer Club Frequency: view frequency of customers' attendance
  • Cod. 10088 - Default value of Marketing and Notification Communications for new customers: default value in the user profile of new customers for the receipt of marketing notifications and general communications
  • Cod. 10089 - JSON-serialized string containing the SocialBooking configuration
  • Cod. 10090 - Class price on all lesson. Doesn't care Enrollment date: price per class applied to all the course's classes regardless of the enrolment date
  • Cod. 10091 - Booking all class lessons: booking of all the classes of a course
  • Cod. 10092 - Default outcome CRM for new action CRM task: default CRM outcome for newly created CRM tasks
  • Cod. 10093 - Default outcome CRM for new history CRM task: default CRM outcome for newly created CRM notes (CRM history)
  • Cod. 10094 - Minutes of lesson block when a vacancy opens up: minutes of booking unavailability in case of a web-booking cancellation to grant priority booking to people on the waiting list 
  • Cod. 10095 - Access control: enable multipack with same priority check: enable choice of multipack to be used for access in case of more than one valid multipack 
  • Cod. 10096 - Durations end the same day of year/month/week as the start date
  • Cod. 10097 - Enable automatic change of expiry date (operational expiry date): abilitazione modifica automatica della data di scadenza (data di scadenza operativa);
  • Cod. 10098 - Preselect all periods when choosing the season in "Course from Planning" sale: preselezione di tutti i periodi disponibili durante le vendite di Corso da Planning;
  •  Cod. 10099 - While selling, check if the object needs annual fee and the customer hasn't it. If so, notify: abilitazione del controllo sulla presenza di una quota annuale valida durante la vendita di un oggetto che la preveda. In caso l'anagrafica ne sia sprovvista, il sistema provvederà a notificarlo;
  • Cod. 10100 - While selling, check if the object needs medical certificate and the customer hasn't it. If so, notify: abilitazione del controllo sulla presenza di un certificato medico valido durante la vendita di un oggetto che lo preveda. In caso l'anagrafica ne sia sprovvista, il sistema provvederà a notificarlo;
  • Cod. 10101 - Automatic creation of customer after insertion of referral: creazione automatica di un'anagrafica cliente a seguito dell'inserimento di un referral;
  • Cod. 10102 - Enable Voip and Sms booking: abilitazione prenotazioni tramite Voip e SMS;
  • Cod. 10103 - Item ID of the SDD Fee: identificativo dell'oggetto associato all'importo SDD;
  • Cod. 10104 - Multipack pricelist: Enable automatic installments / advances: abilitazione rateizzazione automatica sulle righe di listino multipack;
  • Cod. 10105 - MIFARE USB Reader/Writer Model: modello USB MIFARE;
  • Cod. 10106 - Hash Passwords;                                              
  • Cod. 10107 - TrainingGym Access Token;

  • Cod. 10108 - TrainingGym Centre ID: identificativo centro TrainingGym;

  • Cod. 10109 - Last synchronization time of Trainingym: ultima sincronizzazione di TrainingGym;
  • Cod. 10110 - Enable parents/friends/helper check in access control: attivazione controllo genitori/amici/accompagnante all'accesso;
  • Cod. 10111 - Mywellness Configurations Parameters: parametri di configurazione Mywellness;
  • Cod. 10112 - Operator as default seller: operatore impostato come venditore predefinito;
  • Cod. 10113 - Destination to which upload new customer photos: destinazione per il caricamento foto clienti;
  • Cod. 10114 - List of enabled accounting exports: lista di esportazioni contabili abilitate;
  • Cod. 10115 - Booking360, SMS: Regex used to validate message text for reservation: Booking 360, SMS: Regex utilizzato per convalidare SMS per la prenotazione;
  • Cod. 10116 - Booking360, SMS: Regex used to validate message text for cancellation: Booking 360, SMS: Regex utilizzato per convalidare SMS per la cancellazione della prenotazione;
  • Cod. 10117 - Enable CSI integration: abilitazione integrazione con il CSI;
  • Cod. 10118 - Enable Cloud Documents on File System: abilitazione documenti in cloud;
  • Cod. 10119 - Path to save generated SDD slip into. If null, the slip is downloaded after the generati: percorso di salvataggio ricevute SDD. Se non presente, la ricevuta verrà scaricata dopo essere stata generata;
  • Cod. 10120 - Enables simulation of access on new badge associated: abilitazione della simulazione di accesso automatica al momento dell'associazione di una nuova tessera a un profilo utente;
  • Cod. 10121 - Tracker, Enable eGym Integration: tracker: abilitazione dell'integrazione con eGym;
  • Cod. 10122 - Tracker, User Key for eGym: tracker: tracker: utilizzo chiave per eGym;
  • Cod. 10123 - Tracker, Club ID on eGym service: tracker: utilizzo identificativo del centro per servizio eGym;
  • Cod. 10124 - Tracker, Tag ID for eGym synced user: tracker: Tag ID per utente eGym sincronizzato;
  • Cod. 10125 - Multiple badge for each person: abilitazione dell'associazione di più tessere d'accesso a persona;
  • Cod. 10126 - Time slot duration (in Minutes) of Services Calendars: durata dell'intervallo di tempo disponibile (in minuti) per la prenotazione di un servizio sul calendario corrispondente;    
  • Cod. 10129 - WalletID for refund: identificativo borsellino elettronico per rimborsi;
  • Cod. 10130 - Enables redirect to payment page, for users with wallet, after a new appointment confirmation: abilitazione reindirizzamento alla pagina di pagamento per utenti che dispongono di borsellino elettronico dopo la conferma di nuovo appuntamento;
  • Cod. 10131 - ID of the Item to sell at badge assignment: identificativo dell'oggetto da vendere al momento dell'assegnazione della tessera di accesso;
  • Cod. 10132 - Vending Machine Key: chiave per il distributore automatico;
  • Cod. 10133 - Last synchronization time of eGym: ultima sincronizzazione dati con eGym;
  • Cod. 10134 - Shows Tags on Classes Details in the planning view: mostra tags nei dettagli lezione durante la visualizzazione da planning;
  • Cod. 10135 - Enables Wallet refund for canceled bookings: abilitazione rimborso su borsellino elettronico in caso di cancellazione prenotazione;
  • Cod. 10137 - Enable automatic branch switch from registry, based on customer default branch (only for allowed users): abilitazione cambio automatico della filiale dalla sezione rubrica a seconda della filiale principale associata al cliente (solo per utenti abilitati);
  • Cod. 10138 - Host address Siligroup Mifare reader/writer service: indirizzo dell'host per il servizio Siligroup - lettore Mifare;
  • Cod. 10139 - Username Siligroup Mifare reader/writer service: nome utente per il servizio Siligroup - lettore Mifare;
  • Cod. 10140 - Password Siligroup Mifare reader/writer service: password per il servizio Siligroup - lettore Mifare;
  • Cod. 10141 - Password validity time: periodo di validità della password;
  • Cod. 10142 Advance time for password expiration warning: tempo di preavviso riguardo la scadenza della password;
  • Cod. 10143: Regular Expression for Password strength Validation: espressione per la verifica della validità della sicurezza della password;
  • Cod. 10144: Description of Password strength Validation Rule: descrizione delle regole riguardanti validità della sicurezza della password;
  • Cod. 10145: Ecommerce login by token url: accesso al portale E-Commerce tramite token url;
  • Cod. 10146: CRMOperationTypeID for adding new CRMTask when a customer changes email address: identificativo del tipo di operazione CRM corrispondente all'aggiunta di un nuovo task in caso un cliente cambi indirizzo email;
  • Cod. 10147 - InitiatingParty Data for SEPA document generation: codice xml da inserire nel campo "InitiatingParty" nella generazione dei documenti SEPA; 
  • Cod. 10148 - IBAN number for SEPA document generation: numero IBAN per la generazione dei documenti SEPA;
  • Cod. 10149 - BIC number for SEPA document generation: numero BIC per  la generazione dei documenti SEPA;
  • Cod. 10150 - Directory Path for SEPA refunds files: percorso per file relativi al rimborso SEPA; 
  • Cod. 10151 - Enable membership card control in multiple branches: abilitazione del controllo della tessera di accesso in varie filiali;
  • Cod. 10152 - Max number of allowed Manual Entries for a Customer (-1 = not enabled): massimo numero di ingressi manuali consentiti per cliente (-1 = disabilitato);
  • Cod. 10153 - Time Units from activity expiration for anonymizing customer data according to GDPR: unità di tempo a partire dalla scadenza dell'attività del cliente per l'anonimizzazione automatica dell'anagrafica, secondo quanto previsto dal GDPR;
  • Cod. 10154 - Time Quantity from activity expiration for anonymizing customer data according to GDPR: quantità di tempo a partire dalla scadenza dell'attività del cliente per l'anonimizzazione automatica dell'anagrafica, secondo quanto previsto dal GDPR (-1 = disabilitato);
  • Cod. 10155 - Time Units from activity expiration for clearing customer picture according to GDPR: unità di tempo a partire dalla scadenza dell'attività del cliente per la rimozione automatica della foto, secondo quanto previsto dal GDPR;
  • Cod. 10156 - Time Quantity from activity expiration for clearing customer picture according to GDPR: quantità di tempo a partire dalla scadenza dell'attività del cliente per la rimozione automatica della foto, secondo quanto previsto dal GDPR (-1 = disabilitato);
  • Cod. 10157 - Public holidays definition. Allowed values: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Easter, EasterMonday, it, MMM-dd formatted dates. E.g. "it;Sunday;Oct-04": definizione delle festività: valori consentiti: lunedì, martedì, mercoledì, giovedì, venerdì, sabato, domenica, Pasqua, Lunedì dell'Angelo (EasterMonday), formato data: "it;giorno della settimana;MMM-dd" esempio: "it;Sunday;Oct-04".