To check Operators' Agenda click on Reports -> Back Office -> Check Agenda

Filters available:

  1. Operator
  2. Starting Date/Last Day

If you click on Update you will have a summary of the operator's agenda in the selected period.

You can edit or delete entries from the table. The details that can be edited individually are listed below:

  • operator (if the operator is a trainer you can also set him/her as main instructor for the course)
  • date
  • starting/end time


It is also possible to change operator by selecting the required rows from the table (or click on Select All) and click on Edit (highlighted in blu in the picture below).

After selecting the new operator, click on OK to save the changes.

If some entries in the table have a peach colour, it means there are some overlapping activities assigned to that operator (same day same time). Therefore you can either change the day, time or operator for that specific activity.