SPORTRICK allows you can drag and drop customers from one course to another.
Please note that any difference in price between courses will not be taken into consideration. Therefore if the new course is less or more expensive than the previous one, any extra charge or refund will have to be sorted manually. Please note that once the person has been moved from one course to another, absence and attendance records will be lost. This means that it will not be possible to catch up with any missed classes.
To drag and drop attendees:
- click on Timetable -> Course Availability
2. apply the necessary filters (the Season is mandatory) and click on Find
3. click on the number corresponding to the places available for the course 4. click on the icon
to see the list of participants
5. now click on the the course the person is going to be moved to (either from the main table or you can apply new filters to find another type of course. Please note that you can move the windows of the course participants to the side of the screen to improve visibility if you prefer
6. drag and drop the participant/s from one window to another: