List of topics

  1. introduction
  2. configuration
    1. available notifications
    2. template creation
    3. how to use the layout
  3. how to edit/delete templates

Please note that this manual is intended for expert users, therefore an ADVANCED KNOWLEDGE of SPORTRICK is required to fully understand this topic.

1. Introduction

From Settings ->Notification Templates it is possible to set up automatic notification templates according to the type of notification to send out ot customers. 

2. Configuration

To create a new template in order to send out a pre-configured message according to the necessary type of notification, click on the Add button.

Available Notifications

In the "Send" field there is a list of all the available notifications: 


(only for emails). After the layout has been created, it can be inserted in other templates. Example: the signature and contact details of the club can be inserted in other templates without having to type them every time a new template is created


template for customised automatic notifications. To configure the rules for automatic messaging, please refer to the manual about macros



pre-configured template of the message that confirms the registration via the club's web page (if the web page shares data with SPORTRICK via API keys)



pre-configured templateof the message that warns about a spontaneous registration with a previously registered email address via the club's web page (if it shares data with SPORTRICK via API keys)



pre-configured template of the message that will be sent out to verify the email address provided for the registration on the club's web site (if it shares data with SPORTRICK via API keys)


pre-configured template for birthday wishes. After the creation of the template, the necessary macros have to be configured to activate the automatic sending of the birthday wishes. Please refer to the following manual for more details: manual about macros



pre-configured template for the message providing the link that users will have to click on to activate their E-Commerce account. This message will be received once an operator has activated the E-Commerce to all users registered in SPORTRICK



pre-configured template for the automatic sending of E-Commerce credentials after an operator has enabled the E-Commerce account for the client from their user profile in SPORTRICK


pre-configured template for messages notifying the termination of the client's membership, enrolment, pass... after the creation of the template, the necessary macros have to be configured to activate the automatic sending of the reminder. Please refer to the following manual for more details: manual about macros
EXPIRING MEDICAL CERTIFICATE pre-configured template for messages notifying users about the expiry of their medical certificate. After the creation of the template, the necessary macros have to be configured to activate the automatic sending of the reminder. Please refer to the following manual for more details: manual about macros
NOTIFICATION ABOUT OUTSTANDING SDD PAYMENTSpre-configured template for messages notifying users about outstanding payments (only for SEPA)


pre-configured template for messages confirming the client's purchase via the E-Commerce (the client gets the notification)


pre-configured template for messages confirming the client's purchase via the E-Commerce (the club gets the notification). Please note that it will be necessary to access the VAR portal and specify the email address that will receive this type of notification (Managed Environments -> View More -> Configurations -> E-Commerce -> Shared -> click on "override" next to the following option: "Purchase notification email internal address" and insert the email address that will receive the notification about E-Commerce purchases)

pre-configured template for messages confirming the spontaneous registration of a client on the E-Commerce portal (the client gets the notification)

pre-configured template for messages confirming the spontaneous registration of a client on the E-Commerce portal (the club gets the notification)
RETRIEVE PASSWORDpre-configured template for messages providing the password-reset link requested by users who forgot their password to access their E-Commerce account


pre-configured template for messages with a receipt attached (sent from the document section of the user's profile in SPORTRICK)


template for messages sent to clients reminding them of the booked service (date and time). Clients are notified one day before the service takes place. After the creation of the template, the necessary macros have to be configured to activate the automatic sending of the reminder. Please refer to the following manual for more details: manual about macros


pre-configured template for messages notifying the club when a booking cancellation occurs and there are people on the waiting list. Please note that it will be necessary to access the VAR portal and specify the email address that will receive this type of notification (Managed Environments -> View More -> Configurations -> E-Commerce -> Shared -> click on "override" next to the following option: "Waiting list notification email internal address" and insert the email address that will receive the notification. 

Template Creation

Once the type of notification has been selected, click on OK to proceed with the configuration of the template:

  1. template type: type of notification previously selected

  2. sending method: email or SMS. Emails are included in SPORTRICK's monthly fee, whilst SMS have an additional cost depending on the package (that can be purchased on Before setting up the automatic sending of messages, please check that you have enough emails/SMS available. The balance can be checked from Report -> Marketing -> Add: on the right side of the screen you will see a button with the amount of emails available and another button with the available SMS)

  3. layout: it is possible to select a pre-configured layout template to insert it in another notification template (please refer to the next chapter of this manual for more details)

  4. language: it is possible to create the same notification template in different languages

  5. message subject: MANDATORY

  6. message: the notification message has to be typed in the white box. Tags are available as dynamic fields, that is, fields that will be automatically filled by the system with the correct information. The picture below provides an example: by clicking on the "NAME" and "SURNAME" tags, the system will insert a code in the message template. This code  will be replaced by the recipient's personalised info.
  7. click on SAVE CHANGES to complete the creation of the template
  8. the template is now ready for the system to send out notifications when required. For the templates listed below, however, please remember to configure and activate the necessary macros (as described in the manual about macros):
    • customised
    • birthday
    • end of validity of the activity
    • expiring medical certificate 
    • service reminder

WARNING: the email/SMS will only be received if on the recipient's user profile the consent to receive emails and SMS is enabled (to view this option, just click on the Edit button under the user's profile picture and then click on Account) 

To set the sender of notifications please refer to this manual

How to Use the Layout

The layout can be useful to repeat certain information in different notification templates (for example contact details, opening times, news, pictures and company logo...).

Once you have clicked on Add and selected "LAYOUT" as notification and EMAIL as sending method, click on OK to configure the layout template. 

The signature can be a good example of layout: 

  1. choose a name to identify the layout (e.g. signature & contact details)
  2. specifiy the subject, which must be the following code (including braces): {MT:CONTENT}
  3. place the cursor of the mouse on the spot where the content of the notification message has to be inserted. Click on that spot and then click on the "content" tag, so that the system can insert it in the spot where you have clicked (you will see the code that the system will automatically replace with the message that has been configured in the various notification templates). For example, when a reminder of a booked service is sent out, the tag "content" will be replaced by the message reminding the client of the upcoming booking
  4. insert the necessary data for the signature (name, address, email, phone, website...) where you wish them to appear. In the example provided, the signature and contact details come after the tag (that will be replaced by the notification message
  5. click on the yellow button to save the changes 
  6. after saving the changes, you can go back to the previous page and click on Add. Select the notification type, for example "service reminder" 
  7. in the layout field, select the recently created layout (step 1 in the below picture), then select the subject (step 2) and type in the notification message. Then save the changes through the yellow button 
  8. the notification received by the client will contain the message reminding them about the booked service (in the spot where the "content" tag was placed), followed by the signature and contact details of the club. 

3. How to Edit/Delete Templates

An existing template can be edited by clicking on the Detail button next to it. 

To delete it, just click on the down-facing arrow next to the Detail button and then click on Delete.