Once a quote has been added to the user's profile  

and confirmed (please refer to the manual to see the procedure), it will be possible to sell the items included in the quote.

Open the user's profile and click on Sale -> Quotes -> Items from Quotes

The system will provide a list of all the services/multipacks included in the quote. It will be possible to select them all, some or just one.


After selecting them and before concluding the sale, there is the possibility to click on Options to apply discounts, change the price or the starting day of the validity (which otherwise will correspond to the day of sale).

To confirm the sale click on the yellow button (or click on the arrow to specify a seller). Once the payment is completed it will still be possible to purchase other items included in the quote through the same procedure.

It is always possible to assign/change the seller after the payment. From the Purchased section of the user's profile, click anywhere on the row corresponding to the item (if it is a multipack you can find it in the Main section, if it is a service you can find it in the Services section). 

Click on Accounting -> Edit and then select the seller from the drop-down menu).