Thanks to the Advanced Booking it is possible to speed up the booking procedure in case of multiple bookings. Please follow the steps below to book a service on different days:

  1. open the Service Planner from Front-Office -> Services
  2. click on Advanced Booking

2. add the name of the customer and select a service from the drop-down list. If the client has previously purchased a package of services, they will be displayed with the corresponding number of available credits. In the example below, Matthew can use his credits to book a private swimming class, a private yoga class, a bootcamp session or a PT session. He doesn't have any multipack that allows the booking of physio, therefore Matthew will be charged for the booking of a physio session

3. click on NEXT

4. select the time range (today, tomorrow, next week, next two weeks, next month, select dates), then select the days of the week and time required for the booking and click on NEXT

    e.g.: from the 25th of April to the end of May, Blanca would like to reserve the tennis court each Saturday morning at 11 AM

should the days and/or times be different for each booking, just select a random day of the week and time that can be changed in the next window

5. the system will automatically indicate:

  • the days and time selected
  • the resources needed for the selected service (if they are highlighted in pink it means they are unavailable, if they are highlighted in green it means they are available). Next to each unavailable resource the system suggests other time slots. You can either select them or click on the clock icon to open up the resource's agenda and select another slot from there. Please note that even if unavailable, a resource can still be booked  

7. when you are ready to proceed click on next and the system will provide a summary of the reservations. In case some resources have been booked although unavailable, they will be marked with an * 

7. click on End to complete the booking procedure. WARNING: please be careful before clicking on End, since once the bookings have been confirmed, in case of mistakes it will be necessary to delete/move each individual booking, since there isn't a bulk-cancellation procedure.