- Introduction
- Pre-requisites
- E-Commerce Account Activation for an Individual User
- E-Commerce Account Activation for All Users
After completing the configuration of the E-Commerce (bookings, purchases...), it is highly recommended to activate the E-Commerce account for one user only (for example a test user) to check that eveything works as it should in order to prevent unpleasant situations (e.g. clients cannot find anything to book or buy, errors come up, payments don't work...).
If everything is correct, it will then be possibile to activate the E-Commerce for all those users that have been registered in the system with a valid email address.
Please make sure that the E-Commerce portal has been enabled from Settings -> Profile!
Whenever an E-Commerce account is activated, the system automatically sends an email with the instructions to access the E-Commerce portal. For this reason, it is highly recommended to check the following steps to avoid errors:
- choose the sender name and type it in the corresponding field that can be found in Settings -> Main Settings -> Messenger. This is useful for clients to know where the email comes from
- check that on the user's profile the consent to receive Emails and SMS is set on YES, otherwise the email won't be sent (to check, click on Modify under the profile picture and then click on Account)
- check that you have enough emails to send out. You can view your email allowance by clicking on Report -> Marketing -> Add. The amount of emails that you can send out is provided in the Email button. If you don't have enough emails, you will have to wait for the next automatic top up that will take place the following month.
Attempting to send emails without enough credit will not be permitted and an error message will pop up.
E-Commerce Account Activation for an Individual User
You can provide a user with access to the E-Commerce by opening their profile and clicking on Edit (under the profile picture) -> Account.
In the E-Commerce section, select the option to enable it.
Existing user
If the person is an existing user (that is, the email address is already registered in Settings -> User Management) click on:. The same can be done in order to link the current user with an existing user profile so that these two (or more) users can share the same credentials by keeping their accounts separate. Just click on "Link User Account" and then insert the email address of the already-existing user profile that will be sharing their E-Commerce credentials with the current user.
Example: a family shares the same credentials to access the E-Commerce (so all their accounts are registered with the same email address) but during the login they will be asked to select a user to proceed with. All purchases and bookings will be recorded under the selected name.
New user
If the person is a new user click on:
and provide a password (the username corresponds to the email address specified in the profile info).
Activation Email
To notify a person via email about the activation of their E-Commerce profile, click on:
The email will provide the link to access the E-Commerce environment.
Important: emails are not sent in real time, it might take a few minutes before the activation email is received.
The registration link sent to customers expires after 7 days. If customers don't complete the registration before the link expires, it will be necessary to click again on "Send Activation Email". It is therefore good practice to inform the customer about the registration deadline by customising the email content from Settings -> Notification Templates.
Click on Add and select "E-COMMERCE ACTIVATION - SEND CREDENTIALS" and select "EMAIL" in the type field.

E-Commerce Account Activation for All Users
Please note that this procedure is to be performed the 1st time the E-Commerce is activated for all the users that are registered in SPORTRICK. New user profiles created after the 1st activation of the E-Commerce will have to be enabled individually, as explained in the 3rd paragraph of this manual. |
In SPORTRICK's Settings there is a button named E-Commerce.
Click on it to send out an account-activation email to all users with a valid email address in their SPORTRICK's user profile.
A confirmation message will appear. Click on YES. If you cannot see the window with the confirmation message and you are using Chrome as a web browser, please click on the column with three dots on the right-hand side of the screen and click on the "-" symbol to zoom out until the window appears.
The account-activation message can be customised from Settings -> Notification Templates.
Click on Add and select "E-COMMERCE ACTIVATION - SEND ACTIVATION LINK" and select "EMAIL" in the type field.