List of topics
- introduction
- creation of a document template
- advanced optional configurations
- descriptions
- notes
- devices
- statistic details
- document layout/customisation
1. Introduction
After every payment, SPORTRICK issues a receipt. This receipt is based on a document template.
Please note that documents issued by SPORTRICK ARE NOT FISCAL DOCUMENTS. It will be necessary to print receipts from a fiscal cash register or record them in an accounting system that SPORTRICK doesn't provide.
2. Creation of a document template
To Create or Edit the Document Templates click on Settings -> Document Templates -> Add Document Template (or click on Settings next to the document-template name to edit an existing template).
Select a template from the list:
- A5 (please note that on this type of document the total amount paid by the customer will be displayed without the VAT breakdown. To view the VAT breakdown on the receipt, please use an A4 or 80mm template).
- A4
- 80mm (standard for CUSTOM printers);
- A6
Click on OK and fill in the following fields:
- type: format selected during the creation of the template. IT CANNOT BE CHANGED
- name: name of the template that will be visible during payment procedures
- numerator: automatic numeration of the document. To create a numerator please refer to the manual -> Document Numerators
- visible: it determines if the document template will be available to select during payment procedures
- print two copies (only for A5 docs): print 2 copies of an A5 document on a A4 sheet
- receipt: select this option to:
- automatically print the receipt from the ProShop (for the sale of merchandising a daily passes)
- print the receipt on request from the Front-Office (for the sale of subscriptions and enrolments). Please note that this option is only available for compatible cash registers (EPSON or CUSTOM)
- credit note: it determines if the document will be also used as credit note. Useful for refunds and cancellation of invoices
- enable e-Invoicing: the document will be used for e-Invoicing. For this option, please contact a SPORTRICK consultant.
To complete the configuration, it is advisable to skip the advanced optional configurations (they can be configured at a later stage) and proceed with the customisation of the document layout (last chapter of this manual). |
3. Advanced Optional Configurations
It is possible to customise the description of the items sold with more or less details that will appear on the document issued after the sale.
Through the use of tags it is possible to add more or less details about the holder, payer and the item sold. In order to do so, place the cursor of the mouse in the blank box, then click on the tags corresponding to the info that have to appear in the document. It is recommended to add a space between tags with the space bar on the keyboard.
You can also type a text between tags (for example: "born on" and then click on the tag "date of birth"). To remove a tag, just press the delete key as if you were deleting part of the text.
- Holder: info about the holder of the object sold
- Payer: info about the payer (if different from the holder)
- Description Pattern: click on Add to customise the description of the items sold
Available description patterns | Warning: these settings refer to courses, multipacks, membership fees, services... a detailed knowledge of these topics is therefore recommended before using the below-listed options.
Example of a receipt for E-Commerce purchases, where "public description of the multipack" refers to the name specified for the multipack when sold via E-Commerce (and therefore different from the name assigned to the multipack during planning). Please note that the parts in italics are manually typed and the upper-case parts correspond to the tags inserted by clicking on them -> PUBLIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MULTIPACK valid from MULTIPACK START DATE until MULTIPACK END DATE paid on PAYMENT DUE DATE
Advance/Instalments or Balance | it indicates if the pattern has to be considered just for advance payments/instalments, for the entire price of the item or both the aforementioned options. |
Description Type | select the type of description for the document. With SPORTRICK's standard documents the description to be edited is the "Extended Description". |
- Header: default text at the head of the document
- Footnotes: default text at the bottom of the document
Choose a default cash register from the list to make receipt-printing automatic. To set up a cash register please see the following manual: Cash Registers
- Choose a default printer and tray: to speed up the printing process. The document will be automatically printed from the selected printer and tray. Please note that the system requires the installation of utilities in order to detect a printer. To receive the file with the utilities to be installed, please contact a SPORTRICK consultant
- Number of default copies to be printed: it is possible to choose the number of copies of the document that have to be printed out each time.
Statistic Details
Please refer to the corresponding manual.
4. Document Layout/Customisation
To edit the layout and add the data of the company to the document click on Layout (next to the document's name).
A new window will open up for the document editing.
Please click on the Show Preview button to have a preview of the editing on the left-hand side of the screen. Then click on Save Changes when the layout is satisfactory.
To add the company's logo in the documents (only for A5 and A4 formats), you will have to upload it from Settings -> Profile.
It is not possible to choose a different logo for different document templates.